Hebrews 2:5-9
Several years ago, Richard Phillips had the privilege of addressing a group of college students, many of whom were not believers, during Easter week. He notes that he set before them the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ as the only true answer to the problems of the world.
Going through various solutions mankind pursued in the last century, things like education and social reengineering and income redistribution, he showed how each of these had failed and must fail because of the unresolved problem of sin in the human heart.
At the end, one young man stood up and asked him, ‘If the death and resurrection of Jesus is the solution to the problems of this world, and if he has already died and been raised again, then why are the problems all still here?’
That is an excellent question, dealing with the relationship of the present world to the saving work of Jesus Christ. It is to this question that the writer of Hebrews turns as he continues to exhort his first-century readers. Remember, they were facing the prospect of violent persecution; how could this be happening, people might wonder, if Christ is now enthroned in power? Our passage this week offers a remarkable solution to this question, providing a sweeping view of all of history as it is centered on the death and resurrection and exaltation of Jesus Christ.
Here, then, is the situation: Christ is presently reigning over his new Kingdom and new humanity, yet at the same time then we find ourselves still subject to the conditions of the old reality. The writer addresses this apparent problem from the Psalms.
I hope you can Join us this week as we look at Hebrews 2:5-9 to discover the relationship of the present world to the saving work of Jesus Christ. Maybe you can invite some friends or family to join you this week. If so, make sure we get to meet them.
This week I have a book to give away. The first person to text or call me at 205.514.0199 and let me know that you’ve read this email will receive a free book on the person and work of Jesus Christ entitled: “The Glorious Christ: Meditations on His Person, Work, and Love” by Kris Lundgaard.
“This book is for those who want to become like Christ – for those who want to meditate on his beauty but who need help to do so. In this devotional work, Kris Lundgaard invites us to set our heart on adoring Christ so that we become more like him. Saturated with the wisdom of Puritan John Owen, this book assists us in contemplating our Savior’s person, work, and love in new and deeper ways, so that we are challenged and changed” (from the back cover).
Thankful to serve you in Christ,
Pastor Wayne